Cost Comparison Calculator

Enter your estimated average monthly usage (companies, trusts & SMSF established) to calculate your potential savings with EvolutionLive.

Compare Your Provider Now

Step 1: Select your Current Provider

Select your plan style

Select your Subscription plan

Step 2: Confirm your current usage with {{ provider[0] }}

Avg / Month
Price Per Document
Incl. GST + ASIC Fee
Exc. ASIC Fee


${{ (provider[1][0] - asicFee) * usage.stdCompany | number:2 }}

Discretionary Trusts

${{ provider[1][1] * usage.discretionaryTrust | number:2 }}

Unit Trusts

${{ provider[1][2] * usage.unitTrust | number:2 }}

SMSF Trusts

${{ provider[1][3] * usage.smsfTrust | number:2 }}
Step 3: Calculate Savings

Estimated Monthly Spend with {{ provider[0] }}:

${{ getTotalCost(provider) | number:0 }} / month

Based on your document usage we suggest the following plan

Pay Per Document Starter / ${{ thisProvider[2][0].price | number:0 }} / month

With {{ thisProvider[0] }} you would spend

${{ getTotalCost(thisProvider) | number: 0 }} / month

If you switched to {{ thisProvider[0] }} you would be saving Contact us to discuss a package suitable to your usage

${{ (getTotalCost(provider) - getTotalCost(thisProvider))*12 | number:0 }} / year ${{ (getTotalCost(provider) - thisProvider[2][0].price)*12 | number:0 }} / year

In addition by using

  • {{ }}

We could be saving you

{{ getTimeSavings(usage)/60*12 | number:0 }} hours / year

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